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We are offering 20% off Fly Tying Materials till Midnight December 10th

Greys Knotless Tapered Leaders


Greys Knotless Tapered Leaders GTL001
Price : 2.99 GBPIn stock

The Greys copolymer tapered leaders guarantee the best possible presentation. They have finely tuned the tapers so that you will achieve a perfect turnover even under the most taxing of conditions. The high diameter butt section gives an efficient power transfer allowing the fly to be put down with precision and accuracy. Greylon leaders are memory-free so they lie on the water perfectly and are transparent for maximum stealth in clear water and bright conditions. Finely tuned tapers for perfect turnover Transparent for maximum stealth Memory free


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77 Main Street, Tempo,
Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. BT94 3LU.

Phone: +44 (028) 895 41524
Email: sales@frankiemcphillips.com

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